歡迎來到Board Game Arena!
有 11 215 000 位對手可供挑戰(在 982 款遊戲中)。
PC/Mac、iOS 和 Android 平板、智慧型手機、Wii U、Playstation、Xbox One...
每月進行 7 660 000 場遊戲
提供 42 種語言,讓超過 200 個國家齊聚一堂。
方舟動物園, 重塑火星, 卡坦島, 展翅翱翔, 花磚物語, 鐵道任務, 卡卡頌, Forest Shuffle, 璀璨寶石, 勃根地城堡, Harmonies, 農家樂, 七大奇蹟:對決, 太空基地, 誰是牛頭王, 鐵道任務:歐洲篇, 美麗新世界, 阿納克遺跡, 欲罷不能, 海塩折紙, 熱力狂飆, 七大奇蹟, 花火, 小小世界, 遙遠之地, 奧爾良, 快艇骰子, 東京之王, 神秘大地:大創造時代, Lucky Numbers
王國製圖師, 天合小隊, 多米諾王國, Castle Combo, 拼布藝術, 夢幻小隊!, 璀璨寶石:雙人版, 爆珠發明, 歡迎來到, 石器時代, Darwin's Journey, 失落的城市, 傷心小棧, 巫術學院, 爆炸貓, Fromage, 花磚物語:夏日行宮, 大西部開拓者, 奧丁的盛宴, 奇境幻旅, 七大奇蹟:建築師, Hand and Foot, Super Mega Lucky Box, 神秘大地, Rummy, Survive The Island, 文明繪卷, 銀河競逐, CuBirds, 葡萄酒莊園, 蓋亞計劃, Memoir '44, 法國塔羅牌, 奧法之戰, 砰!, 瘟疫危機, Kingdom Builder, 雙陸棋, Captain Flip, Spite and Malice, 波多黎各, Flowers, 歷史巨輪:人類文明新篇章, Karvi, 星際探險隊:深海任務, 藍星, Alhambra, Odin, Papayoo, 未知行星, 永恆之谷, Railroad Ink, Daybreak, 四季物語, 森生不息, 滴酒成釀, 神機妙算, 雅典衛城, 鐮刀戰爭, Chakra, Draft & Write Records, Canasta, Solstis, 克里比奇, 情書, 御竹園, 兔子王國, Obsession, SOLO, 星際探險隊, 四季仙靈, 齋普爾, Tock, 下一站:倫敦, 曠世發明, 強國爭壩, 獨家暗語, 迴轉壽司, 貝洛特, 貓島奇緣, Mojo, Spades, Cosmoctopus, Piraten kapern, 鍛骰物語, 地主, Nova Luna, Break the Code, 香料之路, Mountain Goats, 馬拉開波, Oh Hell!, Beyond the Sun, 來去日本, 洞穴農夫, Bubblee Pop, 大地新秘境, Burgle Bros., Coinche, 卡卡頌:獵人與採集者, River of Gold, 矮人礦坑, Kings in the Corner, 火星骰, 薩加尼, Nanatoridori, Dead Cells, Shifting Stones, 加勒多尼亞, 弒君者, Spots, 盆景大師, 地產達人, 聖彼得堡, 水果莊園, Roll for the Galaxy, 全面通緝, 草泥馬, New York Zoo, 圖靈解密, Riftforce, 血色狂怒, 卓爾金曆:瑪雅日曆, 玩命賽道, Hadrian's Wall, 德州撲克, Five Tribes, 截碼戰, Knarr, 下一站:巴黎, Euchre, 迴轉壽司派對, The Guild of Merchant Explorers, It's a Wonderful Kingdom, Dice Hospital, Gnome Hollow, Middle Ages, 東海道, Harvest, 尼達維爾, Botanicus, 熊熊公園, Farkle, 金羅米牌(Gin Rummy), 洛可莫莫, 卡米諾, Applejack, 欲罷不能極速版, Abandon All Artichokes, 西洋棋, Framework, 榮耀之城, Hardback, River Valley Glassworks, Liverpool Rummy, 新演化論, Stonespine Architects, 印加寶藏, 蒂卡爾古城, 橫濱紳商傳, Dracula vs Van Helsing, Looot, 柯爾特快車, 追星人, 龍龍公園, 王都布拉格, Thurn and Taxis, 戰爭之匣, 書櫃、植栽、我的貓, My City: Roll & Build, Haiclue, 馬可波羅, 自然法則, 大漠商豪, Pax Renaissance, Golf, 西國建築師, Pax Pamir: Second Edition, 來來(兩人花札), Reflection, 地毯商人, 馬可波羅 II — 可汗的託付, Umbrella, 深淵之王, Zenith, 性格靈通, Russian Railroads, Open Face Chinese Poker, Beer & Bread, Santorini, 特奧蒂瓦坎:眾神之城, Just Desserts, Luxor, 拉格蘭哈莊園, Dungeon Roll, 下一站:東京, 盒中貓, Ludo, Ratjack, 終極鐵路, 卡內基, Pyramido: Forgotten Treasures, Letter Tycoon, Takenokolor, 太空議會, 傳城事記, Diced Veggies, Eternitium, Ancient Knowledge, Now Boarding, 兩河流域, 魔數推推, 玻璃之路, 米勒山谷狼人, Tranquility, Roll to the Top: Journeys, 村民, 禁忌之島, 狼群:領地之戰, 骷髏牌, Rallyman: DIRT, Lost Seas, Festival, 蟲蟲攻防戰, 中世紀建築師, Railways of the World, Mini Rogue, 城主, 回憶三重奏, Metro, A Gest of Robin Hood, 萌犬紳士, MLEM: Space Agency, After Us, GOLDblivion, 浮言浪語, Scopa, Roll'n Bump, 牛頓, Perfect Words, Refuge, Trek 12, boop., Nimalia, Via Magica, DIG UP Adventure, 四子棋, 時空亂序, Rainforest, The Shipwreck Arcana, Botanik, Rallyman: GT, 連線計畫, 繽紛彩球, Flaming Pyramids, Path of Civilization, Clash of Decks: Starter Kit, 13 道線索, 古惑貓, Gamme Logic, Naishi, Quartermaster General: East Front, 多米諾骨牌, Quibbles, Jump Drive, Copenhagen, 步步為營, Hugo, P.I., Glow, 塔什-卡拉爾:傳奇競技場, Machiavelli, Trekking the World, Lewis & Clark, Amalfi, 語破天機, Dog Park, Potions of Azerland, 魔法秘笈, 花見小路, 不速之禮, 政變疑雲, 林中狐, 為滋瘋狂, Lure, Rauha, President, 正中紅心, Rage, For Northwood!, 光合作用, Trailblazers, Sobek: 2 Players, Caper: Europe, 深淵密謀, 可可亞, 彩虹小鎮, 形意棋, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, 太空帝國 4X, Tranquility: The Ascent, 嗒寶, Whist 22, Tiny Epic Defenders, 中國跳棋, 寂靜迷航, 綿羊爭牧場, 海戰棋 (紙筆版), Undergrove, 忘憂繪卷, Dicy Cards, Neom, Illustori, 賽道爭霸, Pocket Cats, Eminent Domain, Coal Baron, Expeditions: around the world, 變色龍, 量子戰爭, 超級夢幻大亂鬥, 哈達拉, Treos, 一綫勝機, 母雞啊, Mr. Jack, Quartz: The Dice Game, 角力棋, Gosu X, Quadrata Canada, 大五月花號, Architects of Amytis, Dédale, New Frontiers, 空中之城, 方舟, 圍棋, Forever Home, Wizards of the Grimoire, Mech A Dream, DinoGenics, 文明時代, 富饒之城 2, 曼荼羅, None Shall Pass!, Dice Hospital: ER – Emergency Roll, Inori, 銀杏城, Space Station Phoenix, 地城寵物, Romi Rami, Pingimus, Colorado, 黑白棋, 99 (加法卡牌遊戲), Donuts, Chocolate Factory, 小小工廠, 61 Autumn leaves, Star Fluxx, Stupor Mundi, Off the Rails, 十字軍:祢的祉意, 龍之森, Go-Stop, Tinners' Trail, 請上車:紐約&倫敦篇, Deus, Orchard, Hungarian Tarokk, 馬德拉, Resist!, City of the Big Shoulders, Number Drop, 大同棋, Mega Jackpot, 王權暗戰, 來包洋芋片, 島嶼之爭, Rolling Pins, The King's Guild, 動物園大亨, Boreal, 克洛茲大師:競技場, Mind Up!, Dice Theme Park, 童話小徑, 將軍, 蘇格蘭大老二, VektoRace, Superstore 3000, 福爾摩斯 13, Kado, Butterfly, Cardiceo, K2, Imhotep, Buttons, Baby Dinosaur Rescue, 蒼翠之星, 字跡探險隊, 吹牛, Splitter, Solar Storm, Bloxo, 生活, Vaalbara, GrumbleStone, Nibble, Get on Board: Paris & Roma, Trellis, Elawa, 縱橫股海, Boomerang: Australia, Zuuli, 妖怪七重奏, The Mother Road: Route 66, 二十一點, 七變萬畫, Diced Tomatoes, Dragonheart, 方塊大戰, 特魯瓦, Flip Freighters, 聖鳥之城, 凱呂斯, Libertalia, Art Decko, Welcome To New Las Vegas, Cubosaurs, Gang of Dice, Arctic, 古文明建築師, 骰寫特魯瓦, Fruit Picking, 尼羅河, Crime Zoom: A Dirty Objective, 精靈國度, 塞尼特棋, Knister, Golfie, 火山爆發, On Tour, Room 25, 五子棋, Gangsta!, Vault A Solitaire Dice Game, Uptown, Taluva, High Season, Amyitis, Medina, 月之河畔, Worldwide Tennis, Tiwanaku, Timeline Twist, 北洋船隊, Bacon, Kami, Dungeon Twister, 龍年, Chemical Overload, Diceathlon, 美國播棋, 跳棋, 化身博士:天人交戰, 蒸氣工藝, Biomos, 糟了個糕!, District Noir, Caravan, Dobro, BuyWord, 24/7: The Game, Nautilus, Power Vacuum, 瀑布淘金客, Pugs in Mugs, 日本麻將, Grove, Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, Arctic Scavengers, Orion Duel, Ghost At Home, Forage, Hypnosia, Streets, 傳奇發明家, Capybara'n'Capybara, 31, 明治維新, Nanga Parbat, Oh-Seven, Four Gardens, The Great Split, Pinochle, 六百間, Tobago, Farm Club, Poker Dice, Secret Moon, 煞有其時, Cat Café, Stir Fry Eighteen, 火山棋, 石連一線, Palace, Choconnect, Sobek, Tulip & Rose, Tucano, 動物將棋, Oxono, 文藝復興大師, 獵頭季, Dinosaur Tea Party, Go Goa, Kamon, Skat, 林中狐二重奏, Signorie, 獴鷲派對, Dingo's Dreams, 花園國度, Strands, The way to Juliet, Iwari, Sail, 虛空之城, Ninjan, 歷史巨輪, Tiny Farms, Solo Whist, 夏威夷, Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game, Five Three Five, 六貫棋, Battle Spirits Saga, Art Thief, Don’t Go In There, La Marche du Crabe, Inside Job, 終極井字遊戲, 龍城對壘, Lunar, Kulami, 黑幫老大, 排七, 數字戰爭, OASIS New Hope, Robots Ate Our Pizza, Cloud City, Norsemen, 黑幕:殺手對警探, Giraffe Raffe, Briscola, Cinco, 怪獸工廠, 巴黎鐵路網, Ekko, Spirits of the Forest, 人類源起, Dungeon Rummy, Look at the Stars, Almadi, Khronos, 12 Chip Trick, Gold West, Exit Strategy, Park Life, 玉攻棋, Tic-Tac Match, 無間風雲, D.E.I.: Divide et Impera, 洪水警報, Regidice, Boomerang: USA, Lumen: The Lost World, Linx, Astra, Rainbow, For-Ex, Crisps, Homesteaders, Schnapsen, the itty bitty card game, Zefiria, The Yellow House, Claim, My First Castle Panic, Pentaquest, SteamRollers, Cosmos: Empires, 鬥地主, 雙錫機器人, 六子棋, 發明創想曲, Crypt, 極地探險:西北航道, Boomerang: Europe, 降妖伏怪, 斯瓦希里播棋, Cradle to Grave, Ticket Gagnant, Cairo Corridor, 九子直棋, Bandada, 卡拉拉的王宮, 大老二, 鍊金牌, The Battle for Hill 218, ToeShamBo, Onda, Road to 300, Takara Island, Greasy Spoon, Barbu, 密探水晶, 攻頂棋, Pyramid Poker, Meridians, Splito, Chicago Express, 點格棋, Splash Down, 夏威夷花札, 黃色矮人, Sheep Boom Bah, 釣魚趣, Nacho Pile, Hokito, Tiny Turbo Cars, Scriptoria, Mutant Crops, Betta, 101: the match, 墨西加, 小島, Piepmatz, Cucumber, 42, 冰糖葫蘆, Dobble Connect, Pond, Blue Skies, 圖爾奈, 瘋狂八八, Diablo, Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon, Boss Quest, Blooms, Drones vs Seagulls, Caïrn, Qango, Get the MacGuffin, Color Flush, Klaverjassen, Flowers: A Mandala Game, Yoxii, Skate Legend, Kiri-ai: The Duel, Sapiens, Samarkand, 哞, Durak, Golems, Bahama Taxi, Isle of Trains: All Aboard, Con Sonar!, Tea Time, Humanity, 韓國花牌, The Gnomes of Zavandor, Heckin Hounds, Jump Gate, Geek Out! Masters, 席迪特戰記, Homeworlds, Stalk Exchange, Eriantys, Finity, Squadro, 瑪他他亥, Vault A Den of Thieves, Volto, ONE, Diamonds, 將棋, Yaniv, Sensei, Mercado de Lisboa, 時光大師, Coin Age, Dickory, Cookie Addict!, Expressions, 怪獸去哪兒, Herrlof, Herd, Guildes, Marram, Odicey, Talon, Commander Chess, Lines of Action, Thermopyles, 終極四連戰, Inverted Dice, Assyria, A Fistful of Gold, Bobail, Bombay, Metromania, 15 Days, 暗黑特務, 八位大師的復仇, Nap, Hoarders, Simplicity, Mijnlieff, KQJ, Pook, Lost Explorers, Okanagan: Valley of the Lakes, Pyrga, Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe, 海盜島 1667, Khiva, Sparts, Pescado Novo, Strawberry Sunset, Seven Knights Bewitched, Micro Midgard, 栗子叔叔的桌上寶, Turncoats, Lepidoptery, Dice Summoners, Unrest, Blot, The Brambles, Fibonachos, 象棋, Las Vegan, Quattuor Reges, Tiến Lên, Auntie Mildred's list of random tasks, Micro Dojo, Ponte del Diavolo, Amazonas, 木林森處, Legend Raiders, Dodo, Block Arena, Rest In Peace, Lielow, Pedro, Veggie Garden, Metz, Bug, Grand Bazaar, Castles of Caleira, Stonks, Crazy Farmers, Dance of Muses, Mighty, 結子棋(三連棋), Vidrasso, Knockout Whist, Draft Cider, Écarté, FIKA, Eminent Domain: Microcosm, 群龍列戰, Le Roy des Ribauds, Big Monster, Circle of Life, Cephalopod, 大地傳說, Mammalath, 我是大老闆, Qu4to, Zener, Penalty Challenge, 金字塔之謎, Mia, Yin Yang, Saint Poker, Narabi, Xxung, The Nine Domains, Zookeepers, China Gold, Trike, Gygès, Hoola, cucco, Linkage, Silo, 破冰船, Gift of Tulips, Guile, United Square, Lady's Choice, Herooj, Pier 18, Balloon Pop!, Gopher, Konane, Toepen, The Last, Bauer, Bamboozle, Fractal, Hadron, Soluna, Resolve, Kraken Up, 3000 Scoundrels, Kmakici Family's greatest teatime, Roll Into Town, ECK, 四色牌, Alakablast, Factum, Twin Palms, Tapas, 蒐靈祭, Tuned, Oust, 冰雪連天, Dragon Bridge, Coupell, Legends of Hellas, Logger, VEGEtables, The Great American Fox Hunt, Tumbleweed, Canosa, Verona Twist, King of the Pitch, Alveole, 薩米板棋, HUND, Mod Ten, The Lady and the Tiger (Doors), Lifeline, Diam's, Djambi, Gear & Piston, Isaac, 阿瑪多拉, 果凍怪獸實驗室, Polis: Fight for Hegemony, Florenza: The Card Game, Le Dernier Peuple, Evo: The “Game no Name”, Remember When, Caribbean All Fours, Outlaws: Last Man Standing, The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade, Penny Press, GORami, NXS, Exploration: Warzone, Veletas, 99 (吃墩卡牌遊戲), Big Time Soccer, 克洛茲大師:爆炸, Biyi, Grosstarock, Thrive, Phat, 競標, Rolled West, Murus Gallicus, Trick of the Rails, Quinque, 戰士, Detective Poker, Blaze, Queens & Kings ...A Checkers Game, Mattock, Egocentric World, Fai-fo, 化裝舞會, Zola, Trusis, Morocco, Rive, Kingdoms, Redstone, Dinner In Paris, EKONOS, Raubbau, Quintus, Megalomania, Perikles, Sasaki, Rift Valley Reserve, Nylon-ppong, Maps of Misterra, Reflections in the Looking Glass, All In, Empire Plateau, German Whist, Starship Merchants, Age of Champagne, Sahwari, Wastelandia, Two-Ten-Jack, Quirky Quarks, 八八, Cheez-Tricks, Goblin Hood, Mate, Festi’vibes, Circle Of Life: on the Savannah, Enemy Anemone, Spring Cleaning, rumbleplanet, Hack Trick, Medo, Lineae, Calypso, EpiZodiak, Troggu, 明尼蘇達惠斯特, EVL, Mü, Chimera Station, Hydroracers, Impasse, Seotda, Flume, Coins, TriATri, 羽, Divercité, Sergeant Major, Envelopes of Cash, Ynaros Fallin, Tholos, Cannonades, Gold’n’Crash, Grund, Forks: 2nd Edition, Belladone Bluff, Aniversus, Batalla de Coronas, Persona Non Grata, Duck & Cover, Safari Witness
You play the games in your browser which is great.
App news
Jan 2016
Very popular with the online board gaming community.
Chaz Marler
Dec 2016
BGA has digital board games you won't find anywhere else.
Dave Neumann
Jan 2016
Drei Klicks zum Spielstart.
Jan Drewitz
2014 - Fairplay #9
Allez vous entrainer sur BGA, et foutre la patée à tous vos potes.
Dr Mops
TTtv BGA de l`interview
桌遊競技場(Board Game Arena)是世上最大的線上桌遊服務平台。
來玩 方舟動物園, 重塑火星, 展翅翱翔, 花磚物語, 鐵道任務, 卡卡頌,還有很多其他遊戲!
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註:最新版的站內遊戲清單可在此查詢: https://boardgamearena.com/gamelist
方舟動物園, 重塑火星, 展翅翱翔, 花磚物語, 鐵道任務, 卡卡頌, Forest Shuffle, 璀璨寶石, 勃根地城堡, Harmonies, 農家樂, 七大奇蹟:對決, 太空基地, 誰是牛頭王, 鐵道任務:歐洲篇, 美麗新世界, 阿納克遺跡, 欲罷不能, 海塩折紙, 熱力狂飆, 七大奇蹟, 花火, 小小世界, 遙遠之地, 奧爾良, 快艇骰子, 東京之王, 神秘大地:大創造時代, Lucky Numbers, 王國製圖師, 天合小隊, 多米諾王國, Castle Combo, 拼布藝術, 夢幻小隊!, 璀璨寶石:雙人版, 爆珠發明, 歡迎來到, 石器時代, Darwin's Journey, 失落的城市, 傷心小棧, 巫術學院, 爆炸貓, Fromage, 花磚物語:夏日行宮, 大西部開拓者, 奧丁的盛宴, 奇境幻旅, 七大奇蹟:建築師, Hand and Foot, Super Mega Lucky Box, Rummy, Survive The Island, 文明繪卷, 銀河競逐, CuBirds, 葡萄酒莊園, 蓋亞計劃, Memoir '44, 法國塔羅牌, 奧法之戰, 砰!, 瘟疫危機, Kingdom Builder, 雙陸棋, Captain Flip, Spite and Malice, 波多黎各, Flowers, 歷史巨輪:人類文明新篇章, Karvi, 星際探險隊:深海任務, 藍星, Alhambra, Odin, Papayoo, 未知行星, 永恆之谷, Railroad Ink, Daybreak, 四季物語, 森生不息, 滴酒成釀, 神機妙算, 雅典衛城, 鐮刀戰爭, Chakra, Draft & Write Records, Canasta, Solstis, 克里比奇, 情書, 御竹園, 兔子王國, Obsession, SOLO, 星際探險隊, 四季仙靈, 齋普爾, Tock, 下一站:倫敦, 曠世發明, 強國爭壩, 獨家暗語, 迴轉壽司, 貝洛特, 貓島奇緣, Mojo, Spades, Cosmoctopus, Piraten kapern, 鍛骰物語, 地主, Nova Luna, Break the Code, 香料之路, Mountain Goats, 馬拉開波, Oh Hell!, Beyond the Sun, 來去日本, 洞穴農夫, Bubblee Pop, 大地新秘境, Burgle Bros., Coinche, 卡卡頌:獵人與採集者, River of Gold, 矮人礦坑, Kings in the Corner, 火星骰, 薩加尼, Nanatoridori, Dead Cells, Shifting Stones, 加勒多尼亞, 弒君者, Spots, 盆景大師, 地產達人, 聖彼得堡, 水果莊園, Roll for the Galaxy, 全面通緝, 草泥馬, New York Zoo, 圖靈解密, Riftforce, 血色狂怒, 卓爾金曆:瑪雅日曆, 玩命賽道, Hadrian's Wall, 德州撲克, Five Tribes, 截碼戰, Knarr, 下一站:巴黎, Euchre, 迴轉壽司派對, The Guild of Merchant Explorers, It's a Wonderful Kingdom, Dice Hospital, Gnome Hollow, Middle Ages, 東海道, Harvest, 尼達維爾, Botanicus, 熊熊公園, Farkle, 洛可莫莫, Golf... 及更多!