Gnome Hollow
自古以來,矮人一直都是大自然默默的守護者。他們偷偷從地底下的家中現身,細心維護著被人類稱為「精靈環」的蘑菇環。但工作必須快速完成,因為一旦蘑菇圈建好,蘑菇就可以採收了。究竟誰能成為最聰明的矮人,在季末收穫最多的蘑菇呢? Gnome Hollow是一款結合空間布局、板塊拼放和工人放置機制的桌遊,玩家要在桌面上種植蘑菇和花朵,打造一座花園。每個遊戲組件都是水彩手繪,完美呈現地精與自然的奇幻氛圍。回合規則看似簡單:玩家在花園中放置圖塊,移動矮人執行單一動作。 但是放置圖塊和執行動作可以創造出令人滿意的連鎖效果。玩家策略性地放置板塊,發展出有價值的蘑菇環。一旦環形完成,就可以收成裡面的蘑菇,最後帶到市集換取谷地中最閃亮的寶物。 小型蘑菇環帶來小獎勵,大型蘑菇環則提供更豐厚的報酬!完成新的環形會自動增加分數。玩家版圖會在你移動環形標記解鎖新獎勵時,自動計算你不斷成長的分數。這意味著每個完成的蘑菇環都為個別玩家帶來新的策略選擇和重要獎勵。 隨著花園擴展,某些獎勵讓玩家能取得稀有的路標。一旦放置在完整的環中,路標就會成為谷地中所有矮人都可使用的工人放置點。 野花實際上是百搭牌,可以用來完成任何環形,或解決遊戲中的複雜問題。種植野花可以獲得野花標記。其他玩家可以移動到花朵處執行動作來收集相同的野花標記。當這些標記放到個人玩家版圖上時,既是一種有價值的收集策略,同時也推進遊戲結束。 矮人們造訪風車市集,完成蘑菇訂單以獲得寶物,包括瓶蓋、鈕扣、羽毛、水晶和骷髏鑰匙。每張卡片提供兩個選項。你可以選擇完成上半部分來獲得一些寶物,或完成下半部分來獲得最多獎勵。卡片的白色部分提供玩家一次蘑菇交易機會,可以在之後的回合通過訪問路標來使用。 聰明的玩家會仔細規劃策略,在建造蘑菇環、造訪市集以及擴展花園中個人野花收藏之間取得平衡。隨著遊戲進行,這不僅是一場精美的遊戲,更是一段策略性超越對手的美妙旅程。 來到 Gnome Hollow 體驗寧靜的花園,競相收穫滿滿的蘑菇,享受收集閃亮寶物的樂趣吧!
玩家人數: 2 - 4
遊戲歷時: 47 mn
複雜度 2 / 5
在線上玩 Gnome Hollow 以及 978 款其他遊戲。
在線上玩 Gnome Hollow 以及 978 款其他遊戲。
Collect unique Flowers and build the most Mushroom Rings of various sizes, whilst selling any Mushrooms you collect along the way
Your turn has 4 steps: Place tiles, resolve tiles, move a Gnome, resolve the Gnome
Tile Placement
First, pick two of the 8 available tiles and decide if you also wish to use up to 2 tiles from your personal storage
Each tile must be adjacent to either the stump or another tile already placed
White paths & green edges must match up to other paths/edges if they touch another tile
If your tile would extend another player's ring, you must gain their permission
If two paths are unfinished and each have gnomes on them, they CANNOT be connected
Each tile has a mirror version of itself on both sides, so feel free to flip a tile to get the desired orientation
Once you've placed your two mandatory tiles (& two bonus tiles if desired) check to see if a Ring has been created
A Ring is a connected sequence of white Mushroom Paths with no breaks
Whoever owns the Ring collects all mushrooms on it
If no one owns the Ring, all mushrooms that should have been collected are placed in the middle of the ring for a potential later collection
Whoever owns the Ring, or it is unclaimed the player who completed the ring does the following, takes the leftmost ring Marker from their player board and places it in a slot matching the number of tiles in the Ring. Some of these have multiple spaces, you can choose which to fill and gain the corresponding bonus, if any. If you have already claimed all the spaces for that size, you do NOT get to place a marker. Note: The Stump tile counts as a tile for the quantity in your Ring.
Resolutions and Bonuses
Signpost - This lets you either place a new signpost into the Ring you just completed and immediately use its effect, or you can pick a Signpost already out and use its effect without moving it
Tile - Pick a Tile from the market and put it in your Personal Storage, which can hold at most 2, so you will have to discard a stored tile if you now hold 3
Flower - Take a flower as long as you do not posses it and add it to your leftmost open slot for one, you score points for the most unique flowers
Mushroom - The number tells you how many mushrooms you can repick from your Ring, you cannot repick the same mushroom more than once, but can repick the same type if there are multiple in your Ring
Ring Marker - This lets you place two markers instead of the normal 1
Wildflower - This bonus is not depicted on the destination of the Marker but rather based on where it originated from e.g. your 2nd Marker of the game. First, you gain a flower, remember you want unique flowers for your collection. Second, you gain a Wildflower tile to your storage, remembering the limit of 2. Wildflowers have a Mushroom Path all around the perimeter, this makes them ideal for closing Rings, they also have no placement restrictions. When the supply of Wildflower tiles runs out, you still gain the Flower bonus from this. You can only hold a single Wildflower at a time in your storage.
Gnome Movement
Moving a Gnome is optional, but you may only activate a Gnome if it has been moved this turn
Claim a Mushroom Path - You can move a Gnome to an unclaimed Mushroom Path, this prevents any other players from claiming it, and when it is finished you gain the rewards as outlined before for completing a Ring. You can also claim a finished Ring that had not already been claimed, this is shown by there being Mushrooms in the middle awaiting collection. Your gnome is NOT stuck on a path, and you may move it off at a later point if you do not want to keep your claim on that path
Flower Market - Any number of Gnomes may reside here from any player, when visited you can take a single unique Flower and add it to your collection
Visit a Signpost- Your Gnome can visit a resolved Ring to take the bonus provided by its Signpost
Pinwheel Market - Moving to the Stump allows you to make up to two sales, if you make two sales in a single visit then each must be of a different Mushroom. For each sale, sell as many mushrooms of a single type as you wish, then place a blocker to block that type and quantity for the rest of the game, e.g. only one player can sell exactly 5 blue mushrooms once. The Pair space NEVER gets a blocker, so two of a mushroom are always available to be sold. Note: Unsold Mushrooms are worthless at game's end
Game End
The game can end in 3 ways: A player gets their 8th Flower, a player uses their 8th Ring Marker, the bag of tiles is empty
When this is triggered, finished the current round, then each player gets a bonus Gnome Activation
Flowers - The rightmost flower scores each player that depicted points, the more unique flowers a player holds the more they are worth
Ring Markers - The rightmost empty ring marker space scores for each player, the more ring markers used the more points gained
Mushroom Sales - Total all the treasure gained from mushroom sales (Mushrooms themselves do NOT score)
The player with the most points, wins!
If tied, the player with the most Unsold Mushrooms remaining, wins!