Kingdom Builder
《Kingdom Builder》是一款讓每位玩家透過於不同地點放置房屋來建造王國的建設遊戲。獲得最多黃金的玩家獲勝。但是,黃金只會在遊戲結束時根據遊戲開始時隨機揭曉的三組規則授予玩家作獎勵。
雖然規則很簡單,但是每場遊戲表現因圖板 (8 個中選擇 4 個) 及計分規則 (10 組中選擇 3 組) 的隨機選擇、運氣及資源競爭而有所不同。
此遊戲於 2012 年榮獲德國年度遊戲獎 (Spiel des Jahres),並於該年德國遊戲大獎 (Deutscher Spiele Preis) 中列為十大最佳遊戲中的第七名。
玩家人數: 2 - 5
遊戲歷時: 15 mn
複雜度 2 / 5
在線上玩 Kingdom Builder 以及 978 款其他遊戲。
在線上玩 Kingdom Builder 以及 978 款其他遊戲。
For tips on how to play Kingdom Builder, see Tips_KingdomBuilder
Game Layout
Kingdom Builder comes with eight different playing boards (called Sectors).
The game starts with four random sector boards and three random scoring cards.
Each of the four sector boards is comprised of 100 hexes in a unique combination of Terrain hexes, Castle hexes and Location hexes.
Each player starts with forty settlements (houses) in their supply and is dealt one one Terrain Card from the Terrain Deck.
Terrain spaces
There are five terrain types on which you are allowed to build a settlement: Grass, Canyon, Desert, Flower and Forest.
There are two terrain types on which you are not allowed to build a settlement: Water and Mountains.
Location spaces
Each sector board contains one or two Castles. Placing a settlement next to a Castle hex will reward you with 3 victory points at the end of the game.
Each sector board contains one or two Locations. Placing a settlement next to a Location hex will earn you a Location Tile which provides an extra action during the remainder of your future turns.
Like Water and Mountains, you are not allowed to build a settlement on Castle or Location hexes.
Scoring cards
The three random scoring cards define how players will earn gold (victory points) in the game, such as earning gold for your settlements built next to water hexes or having the majority of settlements in a sector of the board, etc.
A fourth scoring card (Castle) is present in every game and allows players to earn gold by building next to Castles.
Placing Settlements
Each turn you must place three of your settlements on the terrain type shown on your terrain card, with the following considerations:
1) If possible you must build adjacent to your existing settlements. Never forget this, managing adjacency is the key to the game.
2) Placing a settlement next to a Location hex will grant you its corresponding tile that you will be able to activate in every future turn.
Note: Location Tiles are limited in quantity. Two Location Tiles are placed on each Location hex and are claimed on a "first come, first take" basis. You can only earn one location tile per specific location hex.
Location Tiles
Location Tiles allow you to activate extra actions. Each tile's action can be used once per turn starting on the turn after you obtain the tile.
These extra actions can be used either before or after your mandatory "build three settlements" action, but not in the midst of your "build three" action.
The player keeps a location tile as long as at least one of their settlements is adjacent to the corresponding location. If ever they move their last settlement away from such a location (e.g., by using the action of Barn, Harbor or Paddock), they forfeit that tile and it is removed from the game. After losing a tile from a location, a player cannot re-obtain the tile from that same location hex. Losing a location tile happens immediately when you no longer are adjacent to the location hex.
Extra action: Build one additional settlement from your personal supply
Extra action: Move one of your existing settlements
Game End
The game ends at the end of the round in which one player has built the last settlement from their personal supply.
Each player scores according to the three scoring cards, plus 3 gold for each castle hex they have a settlement next to.