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簡介 Tournament Finishers

This group is intended as a connection point for serious players who like to sign up for time-based tournaments, and then login and actually play them. Currently, there is no way for a tournament organizer to do anything about an event that has one or more of those players who sign up for hundreds of time-based tournaments and then never show up. As you know, this leads to time outs with random winners, randomly being excluded, and many unplayed games. And there is not a way to report the players or stop them from moving to ruin the next round until all are affected. To fix this problem , I have created this group that is open to anyone who actually logs in and plays in tournaments.Then anyone can create an invite-only tournament for players who will really show up. Post your tournament here and have interested people message you. Organizers can check on player stats and decide if they want to send the invite to that player. If you don't get an invite you requested- don't get upset. Instead, create your own tournament! If you create an invite-only tournament, you can post about it here to get players. If you are a player who could not show up for some reason (in hospital, home burned down, was broke out...) just explain to the organizer when you ask for an invite. Say- hey, I know I missed some tournaments I signed up for but life happened, and I couldn't get online for awhile. I'm back now,. Please give me a chance to get my game going again. Then show up like you promised and build back your good tournament name. If you dont show up after getting this extra chance, don't wonder why you don't get another invite.

3 位會員

JoysJoy (管理者)


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