First released in 1995, CATAN (formerly The Settlers of Catan) is an all-time classic that has been sold worldwide for years.
If you have never played it, it is worth the investment.
If you already know the game, do not miss the opportunity to try it on Board Game Arena!
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You do not know anything about the game ?
In CATAN, players try to be the dominant force on the island of Catan by building settlements, cities, and roads. On each turn dice are rolled to determine what resources the island produces. Players build by spending resources (sheep, wheat, wood, brick and ore) that are depicted by these resource cards; each land type, with the exception of the unproductive desert, produces a specific resource: hills produce brick, forests produce wood, mountains produce ore, fields produce wheat, and pastures produce sheep.
A turn always consists of rolling the dice and everyone (perhaps) collecting resource cards based on the roll and position of settlements (or upgraded cities); however, if a 7 is rolled, the active player moves the robber to a new hex tile and steals a resource card from from another player who has built a structure adjacent to that tile. In addition, you may be able to play a development card, turn in resource cards for improvements, trade cards at a port, and trade resource cards with other players.
Points are accumulated by building settlements and cities, having the longest road and the largest army (from some of the development cards), and gathering certain development cards that simply award victory points. When a player has gathered 10 points (some of which may be held in secret), he announces his total and claims the win.
CATAN has won multiple awards and is one of the most popular games in recent history due to its amazing ability to appeal to experienced gamers as well as those new to the hobby.
...and you can play it right now from pretty much any device using a web browser.
You can play the game right now by going to the CATAN gamepage, here:
And if you want to try the tutorial to learn how to play it, simply click THIS link.
The Board Game Arena team would like to thank the CATAN team, as well as Klaus Teuber, the game designer, for their authorization and help during the adaptation of the game to our platform.
Of course, no games without a team behind the game code and development for BGA, and this one is due to the fantastic work of darhf and lordalx, who did an amazing job here, again. We would like you to send as much love as you can, as well as for our beta tester teams.
And... that's it for today!
*A brick for 2 sheep? Once you see it, you will ship bricks.
We have more amazing games to come on Board Game Arena...
So, play fair and take care, until next week!
卡坦島:前所未有的經典遊戲現在正式於 Board Game Arena 上線!
卡坦島 (前身為 The Settlers of Catan) 於 1995 年首次發行,是一部在全球暢銷多年的空前經典之作。
若你已懂這款遊戲,便切勿錯過在 Board Game Arena 中試玩的機會!
在卡坦島這款遊戲中,玩家通過建造村莊、城市及道路,嘗試成為卡坦島上最強大的力量。 每個回合通過擲骰子決定島上生產的資源。 玩家通過支付資源卡牌上所述的資源 (羊、小麥、木頭、黏土 及 礦石) 建造;除了不能生產任何資源的沙漠外,每種土地均生產特定資源:山丘生產黏土,森林生產木頭,高山生產礦石,田野生產小麥,草地生產羊。
每個回合經常由擲骰子及每位玩家 (可能) 根據投擲結果及村莊 (或城市) 位置獲得資源組成;但是若擲出 7,當前玩家把強盜移至一塊新的地形板塊並從另一位於該板塊附近建造了建築玩家偷取一個資源。 除此之外,你可以打出發展卡牌、支付資源卡牌以執行改善行動、在港口交換卡牌及與其他玩家交換資源卡牌。
玩家通過建造村莊及城市、擁有最長道路及最大軍隊 (從部分發展卡牌獲得) 並蒐集特定給予分數的發展卡牌以賺取分數。 當一位玩家獲得 10 分時 (部分為秘密得分),便宣佈其總分並獲勝。
Board Game Arena 團隊在此感謝卡坦島團隊及遊戲設計師 Klaus Teuber 引入此遊戲至此平台期間給予授權及援助。
當然,所有遊戲均由 BGA 遊戲代碼及開發團隊支持,而這款遊戲為 darhf 及 lordalx 的傑作,他們再次在此完成出色的工作。 希望你盡己所能,向我們及 Beta 測試團隊傳遞更多愛意。
那麽…… 今天就這樣了!
想以一塊黏土換取 2 隻羊嗎? 當你看到時,便運送黏土。
我們有更多精彩的遊戲即將於 Board Game Arena 登陸……