A mini-expansion for Sea Salt & Paper, presented as a booster pack: 8 new cards with 5 new effects.
It's a bit more salty and spicy.
Discover the new effects:
The Cast of Crabs: 1 point per crab
The Seahorse: replaces a card in a series (shell, octopus, etc.).
The Starfish: played at the same time as a pair of cards to cancel their effect but earn 2 extra points.
The Lobster: draw 5 cards from the deck and choose one. Play with a crab.
The Medusa: to be played at the same time as a swimmer. All other players can only draw one card from the deck on their next turn.
You can play this expansion by selecting the right option on the settings from the game page:
We would love to thank the fantastic Bombyx publishing team members, as well as Bruno Cathala and Théo Rivière for their authorizations, and the wonderful work done by Thoun on this game adaptation.
But wait, there's more...
An official tournament! With prizes!
The "Qualifier" phase ends in mid-October. There are a total of 256 places for the "Groups" phase to be won.
64 spots are being distributed in France by us and our partners, 64 on several Board Game Arena tournaments open to all:
The first two rounds of the competition will be held on BGA, and the remaining 128 rounds will be shared between our partners around the world.
The "Groups" phase will take place on BGA only from late October - early November. Qualifiers will be divided into 8 groups of 32 players and will play with the Extra Salt extension. The top 4 players in each group will qualify for the "Final" phase.
The "Final" phase will take place in late November or early December. The 32 players will compete in a 1 vs 1 knockout format with the Extra Salt extension activated. This stage will also be on BGA only.
And many prizes to win!
Go to their Facebook official page here to know more about it: https://www.facebook.com/studiobombyx
EDIT: 2 new sessions were added for BGA:
FISH n ChampionCHIPS – Qualificateur 5 : https://boardgamearena.com/tournament?id=235750
FISH n ChampionCHIPS – Qualificateur 6 : https://boardgamearena.com/tournament?id=235747
And... that's it for today's release!
The Summer of Games is now terminated. Let's see how many of you were able to come to the front page and click each day:
1 day and 1 gift open | 81554 clicked it!
10 day streak (everyday without missing a release) | 9805 trophies
20 days | 4514 trophies
And... THE WHOLE 31 DAYS, everyday | 2530 whale trophies distributed!
Thanks a lot for your participation. Remember these trophies are unique and you can be proud to have won them.
See you later for more exciting news.
Until then, take care, and... as always... PLAY FAIR!
SEA SALT & PAPER:額外的鹽和額外的錦標賽!
這是一個SEA SALT & PAPER的迷你擴充包,內含 8 張新卡和 5 種新效果。
- 螃蟹群:每隻螃蟹 1 分
- 海馬:替換系列中的一張卡(貝殼、章魚等)。
- 海星:與一對牌同時打出,取消其效果,但可獲得 2 點額外積分。
- 龍蝦:從牌庫抽5張牌並選一張。 和螃蟹一起打出。
- 美杜莎:需要與一名泳者同時出牌。 所有其他玩家在他們下一個回合只能從牌堆中抽一張牌。
我們非常感謝出色的Bombyx出版團隊成員,以及Bruno Cathala和Théo Rivière的授權,還有Thoun在這個遊戲改編上所做的出色工作。
官方錦標賽! 有獎賞!
"資格賽"階段將在十月中旬結束。 “小組賽”階段共有 256 個名額。
我們和我們的合作夥伴在法國將分發 64 個名額,Board Game Arena 的多場錦標賽將對所有人開放 64 個名額:
比賽的前兩輪將在 BGA 上舉行,其餘的 128 輪將由我們的全球合作夥伴共享。
"小組賽"階段僅在十月下旬到十一月初的BGA上進行。 資格賽選手將被劃分為 8 組,每組 32 人,並使用Extra Salt擴充包遊玩。 每組的前 4 名選手將晉級到"決賽"階段。
"決賽"階段將在十一月底或十二月初進行。 32 名選手將以1對1淘汰賽的形式,並使用Extra Salt擴充包進行比賽。 這個階段也僅在 BGA 上進行。
那麼... 這就是今天發布的內容!
遊戲之夏現已結束。 讓我們看看有多少人能夠每天都來首頁點擊:
1 天和 1 個禮物開啟 | 81554 次點擊!
10 天連續(每天都不錯過新發布) | 9805 個獎盃
20 天 | 4514 個獎盃
而且... 整整31天,每天 | 發放了 2530 個鯨魚獎盃!
非常感謝您的參與。 請記住,這些獎盃是獨一無二的,你應該為贏得它們感到自豪。
在那之前,照顧好自己,然後... 一如既往...... 公平競賽!