A crowd of umbrellas crowds the streets of New York, and seen from the sky, the colors dance...
In Umbrella, each player orchestrates a "dance" of umbrellas in a street crossing. You start with a 4x4 square of umbrellas, with four each of four colors. One umbrella of each color starts in a "waiting zone" to your left and right (with these being shared with the players sitting in those directions), a "waiting zone" in the center of play (shared by all players), and a "waiting zone" below your personal game board (only for you). Start with two stacks of two figure tiles on your game board. Each figure tile shows you an arrangement of umbrellas in a single color that you want to create on your board.
On a turn, take an umbrella from an adjacent waiting zone, then slide it onto your game board from the direction of that area, pushing out an umbrella into the waiting zone on the opposite side. If you have created a unicolor umbrella arrangement that matches a visible figure tile on your board, place a scoring token on an empty space of the matching color on your scoreboard, then pass the figure tile to the player on your left; they place this tile on their board in the first empty figure space, rotating the tile to match the depicted orientation.
Continue taking turns in clockwise order until a player has no figure tiles in front of them, a player has ten scoring tokens on their scoreboard, or a player empties the pool of scoring tokens by taking the final one. Each other player takes one turn, then everyone scores their points: 2 points per scoring token, a variable number of points for groups of tokens (which differs per scoreboard), and points based on the number of umbrellas in their personal waiting zone.
Umbrella is easy to get to the table, easy to teach or learn, and easy to start by clicking the game link below:
Thanks to the Lumberjack Studio team, and the game designers Flavien Dauphin & Benoit Turpin, we are proud to host the game on our platform. Let's mention the excellent work done by Moof for the development of the game.
And that's it for your Monday release ;)
Until Wednesday, take care and play fair!
在《Umbrella》中,每位玩家在十字路口精心編排雨傘「舞蹈」。您從一把 4x4 的方形雨傘開始,四種顏色各有四把。每種顏色的一把傘從你左邊和右邊的「等待區」開始(這些等待區與坐在這些方向的玩家共享),遊戲中心的「等待區」(由所有玩家共享),以及您的個人遊戲板下方的「等待區」(僅供您使用)。從遊戲板上的兩堆兩個人物圖塊開始。每個圖形圖塊都會向您顯示您想要在板上建立的單色雨傘的排列。
繼續以順時針順序輪流,直到玩家面前沒有人物圖塊、玩家記分牌上有十個得分標記,或者玩家通過拿走最後一個得分標記池來清空得分標記池。其他玩家輪流玩一回合,然後每個人都得分:每個得分標記 2 分,標記組的分數可變(每個記分板不同),以及根據個人等待區中的雨傘數量計算的分數。
Umbrella 很容易上手,易於教學或學習,並且透過點擊下面的遊戲連結輕鬆開始:
感謝 Lumberjack Studio 團隊以及遊戲設計師 Flavien Dauphin 和 Benoit Turpin,我們很榮幸能夠在我們的平台上託管這款遊戲。讓我們提一下Moof為遊戲開發所做的出色工作。
這就是周一發布的內容 ;)