Harmonies 的案件
#136327: "Undo for the last action"
#136327: "Undo for the last action"
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# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
• 如果可以的話,請轉貼螢幕顯示的錯誤訊息。
I see there is a similar suggestion rejected. But it's:
- really annoying to redo all your actions
- it's a source of mistakes when you do a misclick (or forgot about your plan or just changed your mind), undo your move, redo your actions (all these may be replayed few times, undoing moves is pretty often action in this game) and forget to get an animal card. I've already lost many games because of this (well, I hope that was the main reason).• 請說明你當時想做什麼,你做了什麼,然後發生了什麼事
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v128
• 請轉貼未翻譯的英文字句。 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。
I see there is a similar suggestion rejected. But it's:
- really annoying to redo all your actions
- it's a source of mistakes when you do a misclick (or forgot about your plan or just changed your mind), undo your move, redo your actions (all these may be replayed few times, undoing moves is pretty often action in this game) and forget to get an animal card. I've already lost many games because of this (well, I hope that was the main reason).• 這些文字存在於 翻譯系統 中嗎?若為真,其是否已被翻譯超過 24 小時?
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v128
• 請簡明精確地解釋你的建議,以便讓人一目了然。
I see there is a similar suggestion rejected. But it's:
- really annoying to redo all your actions
- it's a source of mistakes when you do a misclick (or forgot about your plan or just changed your mind), undo your move, redo your actions (all these may be replayed few times, undoing moves is pretty often action in this game) and forget to get an animal card. I've already lost many games because of this (well, I hope that was the main reason).• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v128
• 當你不能動作時,螢幕上顯示什麼?(螢幕全黑?部份遊戲介面?錯誤訊息?)
I see there is a similar suggestion rejected. But it's:
- really annoying to redo all your actions
- it's a source of mistakes when you do a misclick (or forgot about your plan or just changed your mind), undo your move, redo your actions (all these may be replayed few times, undoing moves is pretty often action in this game) and forget to get an animal card. I've already lost many games because of this (well, I hope that was the main reason).• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v128
• 遊戲規則的哪部分在 BGA 版本有所錯漏?
I see there is a similar suggestion rejected. But it's:
- really annoying to redo all your actions
- it's a source of mistakes when you do a misclick (or forgot about your plan or just changed your mind), undo your move, redo your actions (all these may be replayed few times, undoing moves is pretty often action in this game) and forget to get an animal card. I've already lost many games because of this (well, I hope that was the main reason).• 這項違反規則之處可否在遊戲重播中看到?若可以是在哪步?(重播時左上角資訊)
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v128
• 你當時想採取哪個遊戲行動?
I see there is a similar suggestion rejected. But it's:
- really annoying to redo all your actions
- it's a source of mistakes when you do a misclick (or forgot about your plan or just changed your mind), undo your move, redo your actions (all these may be replayed few times, undoing moves is pretty often action in this game) and forget to get an animal card. I've already lost many games because of this (well, I hope that was the main reason).• 你想觸發這個遊戲行動時做了什麼?
• 當你試著這麼做時發生了什麼(錯誤訊息、遊戲狀態條訊息...)?
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v128
• 問題發生在遊戲的哪一步?(目前遊戲指示是什麼)
I see there is a similar suggestion rejected. But it's:
- really annoying to redo all your actions
- it's a source of mistakes when you do a misclick (or forgot about your plan or just changed your mind), undo your move, redo your actions (all these may be replayed few times, undoing moves is pretty often action in this game) and forget to get an animal card. I've already lost many games because of this (well, I hope that was the main reason).• 當你試著進行遊戲動作時發生了什麼(錯誤訊息、遊戲狀態條訊息...)?
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v128
• 請描述顯示問題。 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。
I see there is a similar suggestion rejected. But it's:
- really annoying to redo all your actions
- it's a source of mistakes when you do a misclick (or forgot about your plan or just changed your mind), undo your move, redo your actions (all these may be replayed few times, undoing moves is pretty often action in this game) and forget to get an animal card. I've already lost many games because of this (well, I hope that was the main reason).• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v128
• 請轉貼未翻譯的英文字句。 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。
I see there is a similar suggestion rejected. But it's:
- really annoying to redo all your actions
- it's a source of mistakes when you do a misclick (or forgot about your plan or just changed your mind), undo your move, redo your actions (all these may be replayed few times, undoing moves is pretty often action in this game) and forget to get an animal card. I've already lost many games because of this (well, I hope that was the main reason).• 這些文字存在於 翻譯系統 中嗎?若為真,其是否已被翻譯超過 24 小時?
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v128
• 請簡明精確地解釋你的建議,以便讓人一目了然。
I see there is a similar suggestion rejected. But it's:
- really annoying to redo all your actions
- it's a source of mistakes when you do a misclick (or forgot about your plan or just changed your mind), undo your move, redo your actions (all these may be replayed few times, undoing moves is pretty often action in this game) and forget to get an animal card. I've already lost many games because of this (well, I hope that was the main reason).• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v128
2024年 9月 2日 6:30 • Guudys • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
It makes everyone around the table waste a lot of time because of a single misclick of one player where they have to go through everything again. It's my only complaint about the game.
2024年 9月 2日 7:57 • StrikingCobra • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Came here to say exactly the same thing, the implementation of this isn't lined up with the rest of the site.
2024年 9月 3日 4:55 • ouguoc • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I love this game, but this is silly and makes the game frustrating to play.
2024年 9月 3日 7:47 • Blake Frost • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I actually prefer having to restart my entire turn. Wasting large amounts of time re-doing my entire action sequence pushes me to perform at a higher level with less errors. If undo was added, my opponents would be less frustrated at the huge time sink. Their frustration can lead to a higher elo.
2024年 9月 4日 4:40 • mimel • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
All other games on BGA have an undo button. Please consider adding one!
2024年 9月 5日 20:06 • SachaBear • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
+1 to all the above.
"the implementation of this isn't lined up with the rest of the site. "
Yes !
We could have 2 buttons : "undo last action", and "reset turn".
The BGA implementation of It's A Wonderful Word does exactly that. So it's far from being impossible.
"the implementation of this isn't lined up with the rest of the site. "
Yes !
We could have 2 buttons : "undo last action", and "reset turn".
The BGA implementation of It's A Wonderful Word does exactly that. So it's far from being impossible.
2024年 9月11日 4:58 • lhyaa • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I experimented a bug so I left.
I was not able to build on a red piece, it was saying impossible move read the rules, but I know the rules and it was a bug.
I refreshed took other pieces and then it kept not allowing me to build ,
I was not able to build on a red piece, it was saying impossible move read the rules, but I know the rules and it was a bug.
I refreshed took other pieces and then it kept not allowing me to build ,
2024年10月26日 22:44 • LoopyNZ • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Have "Undo last action" AND "Restart turn" give people the flexibility to do some trial and error and not end up wasting other people's time or losing track of their own strategy (and thereby losing interest in playing this implementation).
2024年11月15日 16:14 • Mizutismask • 開發者認為這並非好主意,或投資報酬率過低:
this has already been discussed here see boardgamearena.com/bug?id=130002
2024年11月15日 16:42 • Thomas • 開發者認為這並非好主意,或投資報酬率過低:
The linked bug was rejected and I can‘‘t see any discussion. I only see many requests for that feature and no arguments why it got rejected. (And no, saying „The publisher said no. Point.“ is not a discussion. Nobody answered the many arguments the community gave for fixing the behavior.
2024年11月20日 10:15 • ArmagedOFF • 開發者認為這並非好主意,或投資報酬率過低:
It's sad to see such developer's position.
This is a reasonable feature request from many players.
This is a reasonable feature request from many players.
2024年12月18日 11:40 • bushbabe • 開發者認為這並非好主意,或投資報酬率過低:
Agree, just an "undo" button instead of "undo turn" would already help.
If you can back multiple steps in your turn it would do both "undo" and "undo turn"
If you can back multiple steps in your turn it would do both "undo" and "undo turn"
- 其他同樣狀況的桌號/步數
- 按 F5 是否解決了這個問題?
- 問題是否發生了好幾次?每次都發生?時好時壞?
- 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。