Bao 是一種東非棋盤遊戲 - 實際上“Bao”原文在斯瓦希里語意思為"棋盤遊戲"。
它由一塊板子組成,板上有兩排裝有棋子的凹洞。 目標是在棋盤上移動棋子,從而奪取對手的棋子,直到他不能再移動為止。
這個遊戲有3個版本:一個簡單的叫做“Hus Bao”,這是孩子們經常玩的。 一個更複雜和更具戰略意義的版本稱為“Bao la Kujifunza”。 完整版名為“Bao la Kiswahili”,分為 2 個遊戲階段和復雜的規則集,也被稱為“Mancala Games 之王”。
另外,對於較複雜版本的第一場比賽,建議不要讓Kichwa自動選擇,以便更好地了解動作的不同部分,然後才將其設置為沒有重複選擇唯一 可能的選擇。
對於遊戲開發感興趣的人,請查看 https://github.com/geziefer/baolakiswahili
玩家人數: 2
遊戲歷時: 10 mn
複雜度 3 / 5
在線上玩 斯瓦希里播棋 以及 963 款其他遊戲。
在線上玩 斯瓦希里播棋 以及 963 款其他遊戲。
Setup: Each player owns one half of the board consisting of 2 rows with 8 bowls each. Each bowl takes two stones. The first row is the one next to the opponent’s bowls.
Move selection: A player selects one of their bowls containing at least two stones for starting their move. Then they select one of the neighbor fields to determine the direction of the move. The move can be canceled by selecting the same field again.
Move execution: All stones from the selected bowls are taken and then starting with the selected neighbor field, they move around the player’s two rows in a circle, leaving one stone in each bowl. When the last stone is put into its bowl, the move either stops if it was empty before, or continues in the same way, by emptying the respective bowl and move further in the same direction, leaving stones in each bowl. If the latter happens with a bowl in the player’s first row and the opponent has stones in the directly adjacent bowl, they are taken as well for the move.
End of game: A player has lost if their first row is empty, or they have no bowls left with more than 1 stone.