16-17 世紀東南亞最大的城市港口—輝佛是很難做生意的。
每天都有新老競爭者進城。確保你的業務成功的唯一方法是贏得大越國王的 3 份合同。但別擔心,你並不孤單,還有其他友好的商人願意幫助你,前提是你能明智地使用它們。
Fai-fo 是一款適合 3-5 名玩家的冒險、演繹和驚喜遊戲。只有 12 張商船卡和 4-8 張商船卡(取決於玩家數量),總共 20 張卡。每張商戶卡都有 1 到 12 的聲望等級和不同的技能。每回合,每位玩家將獲得 2 個金幣、1 張商船卡和 3 張隨機商卡,在回合結束時,獲得最多金幣的玩家贏得 1 份合約—贏得 3 份合約的玩家獲勝。
遊戲將同時進行,不設回合次序。打出聲望最高的商人會獲得金錢,但只有聲望最低的商人才能觸發卡牌的特殊技能。商船卡的聲望為 0,可能會給你帶來大筆收益的機會,但請注意,如果太多商船航行,任何人都不能獲得金錢。
玩家人數: 3 - 5
遊戲歷時: 17 mn
複雜度 1 / 5
在線上玩 Fai-fo 以及 963 款其他遊戲。
在線上玩 Fai-fo 以及 963 款其他遊戲。
- At the start of each round, each player gains 1 ship and 2 coins.
- Shuffle all merchants (and 3 ships for 5 players) and deal them evenly to each player.
- If there are 3 players, each player must discard a card.
- On your turn, choose a card from your hand. Then everyone reveals at the same time.
- Activate all ships and special conditions. Then the player with the highest reputation gains 2 coins and the lowest activates their skill. Ships are not counted.
- Repeat this twice.
End of the Game
- The player with the most coins gains 1 contract.
- If there is a tie, duel with the last card.
- If a player has 3 contracts, they win.
Card Skills
- 1: Gain 3 coins, then play RPS with another player. Loser discards half of their money.
- 2: Gain 3 coins.
- 3: All players pass a card to the left.
- 4: Exchange a card with a player.
- 5: Return coins gained in this round to the bank.
- 6: Steal 3 coins from a player.
- 7: Swap money of 2 players.
- 8: Gain 1 contract. If you win this round, gain another contract.
- 9: Copy a skill revealed in this round.
- 10: No skill.
- 11: Lose 1 coin.
- 12: Give 1 coin to each of your neighbors.
- Ship: If there is 1 ship gain 3 coins. If there are 2 ships gain 1 coin.