在 Faraway 這款遊戲中,你將在自己面前從左到右打出一列共 8 張牌。 這些牌代表你在探索土地時將遇到的區域。 如果你隨後滿足這些牌上的角色要求的條件,他們將提供你勝利分數。 遊戲結束時,你會原路折返走回去,依照與打牌順序相反的順序計分。 這就是遊戲玩法的核心。 在整個遊戲過程中,你打出的牌將有助於設定新的目標,並達成你之前設定過的目標。
每回合,你從 3 張手牌中選擇一張牌打出。接著從面朝上的河流牌中挑選一張新牌。 由於 Faraway 這款遊戲所有玩家是同時進行的,因此你必須考慮到在所有選擇中建立個巧妙的優先級系統 - 最後選擇一張牌會使你在下一個回合中的選擇更少,而且往往效益更低。
玩家人數: 2 - 6
遊戲歷時: 6 mn
複雜性 2 / 5
在線上玩 Faraway 以及 930 款其他遊戲。
在線上玩 Faraway 以及 930 款其他遊戲。
You create and satisfy 8 objectives that you choose, which are presented across 8 rounds.
Your regions will score BACKWARDS (that is, right to left), not in the order you played them!
1. First, everyone picks a card to play as their next region card. The card goes AFTER the previous card they played (if any).
2. Each player checks the top left number (Exploration Duration) of the card they just played. If it's greater than the previous card's number, the player draws 1 Sanctuary card plus one per Clue (map) that they will choose between for the next phase.
3. Based on the top left number their played card, players in order (from lowest to highest) pick a Region card from the supply to replenish their hand.
4. Then they choose one of their Sanctuary cards to play (if they drew any earlier).
Game End
The game ends at the end of the 8th round.
To score, keep your Sanctuaries face up, but flip all your regions face down for scoring.
Reveal the rightmost Region card and score it if it meets the requirements in the middle right by adding the points at the lower right to your total. (Note this may be a fixed number or depend on other symbols in your cards' top right corner.)
(At this point, only your Sanctuaries and one other card are face up).
Then reveal the next Region to the left and score it, and so forth until you score all 8 regions right to left. So, your cards that were placed earlier will still be face down and thus will NOT help score cards placed later in the game, so plan accordingly.
Once all regions have been scored and are now face up, score the Sanctuaries, and the player with the highest score wins! (Tiebreaker is lowest total Exploration Duration.)