Timeline Twist
Timeline Twist 與 Timeline Classic 不同,所有玩家必須合作,在時限內排列所有卡牌。
每場遊戲抽 35 張牌,然後思考、溝通、協調,將牌按照正確的順序排列,同時丟棄最麻煩的一張。試著每場新遊戲中獲得高分!
特別感謝 Corey Konieczka 負責設計合作模式、 UmbreoNoctie 的恐龍插圖。
玩家人數: 2 - 6
遊戲歷時: 9 mn
複雜度 0 / 5
在線上玩 Timeline Twist 以及 960 款其他遊戲。
在線上玩 Timeline Twist 以及 960 款其他遊戲。
Object of the Game
Build the longest (left to right) timeline possible to score as many points as possible
Turn Play
Play proceeds in order amongst the players.
When it is your turn, you may either a) Play a card that will be placed at its appropriate spot on the timeline either (up to twice in a turn), this constitutes your turn; a1) before the first card on your timeline (to its left) for two game points; a2) after the last card on your timeline (to its right) for two game points, or a3) in an empty space above and between two cards on the timeline for one game point. You can also b) discard a card (if the icon on the upper portion of the card matches the top of the discard pile) -- your turn ends and the next player plays. If you can do neither a) nor b) you may play a card that can not be placed on the timeline (because there is no empty space where it would fit on the timeline), it will be turned to the side, remain in your hand, and will not be replaced.
The game ends when one of the players has four unreplaceable cards in her hand or all cards have been discarded, rendered unreplaceable or placed on the timeline.
Hint: one should keep the gaps between cards played on the timeline as close together in time as practical so as to give yourselves the maximum number of spaces to which one can play cards safely and score maximum points.