在一個風暴肆虐的夜晚,流傳著一個可以在特瑞奧斯黑市上以 20 枚金幣買到幸運藥水的謠言。由於你已經衰了好長一段時間,決定碰碰運氣。王國廣闊,森林陰暗,道路危險。但快遞工作報酬豐厚,因此你勇敢地冒險走出城市的城牆...
收集金幣,智取強盜團夥,並使用符文探索王國的偏遠角落。你採取的每一步都需要精心規劃。你的對手緊追不捨!畢竟,誰知道還有多少藥劑?誰能最快收集到 20 個金幣,誰將獲勝。
玩家人數: 2 - 4
遊戲歷時: 43 mn
複雜度 3 / 5
在線上玩 Treos 以及 992 款其他遊戲。
在線上玩 Treos 以及 992 款其他遊戲。
Welcome to Treos!
Head out and explore the world: complete quests and side quests to collect enough gold faster than the others. The first player to collect 20 gold wins the game.
Sunrise: Planning
Each player draws 5 cards from their deck and assigns them face down: One on the bid space: the higher the card number on the bottom left of the card you place there, the earlier you will move during this round. Three on the 3 different day turns: considering the movement options on the cards they place there. The last card may be replaced on top of their card deck or discarded.
Players also place an intrigue marker face down on each of the movement cards for the 3 daytimes (NB: in this BGA adaptation, you just have to choose a space for the "move highwayman token").
Morning, Midday, Evening: movement
According to their turn order markers, each player takes one turn: reveal the movement card and the intrigue marker and then move accordingly the pawn and (if the "move highwayman token" has been revealed) one highwayman.
Reaching new places:
Complete a quest, take a new quest card (if you have a free space for it).
Get the fort's weapon, if you don't already have it (triggers character-specific power).
Get a side quest. If you are the first entrant to the inn, you get 1 gold.
Secret Place
Reveal the power of the secret place: get a movement card, get a side quest, or open a Portal. If you are the first entrant to the Secret Place, you get 1 gold.
Free move to another portal.
Highwaymen block and prevent you from moving through or onto the space they are standing on.
Move the highwayman using the same movement card with which you have just moved your character token. Again, you may use fewer moves than allowed or not move any highwayman at all. Highwaymen may not move onto or through towns and forts, or any space occupied by a character token. They may, however, move onto inns, secret places, and spaces without character tokens. Any number of highwaymen may share the same space. You must move your character marker before you move the highwayman.
Ways to Earn Gold
1-3 Gold for completing a quest
0-4 Gold for collecting a new weapon
1 gold for discovering an inn
1 gold for discovering a secret place
Carolijn only: 1 gold for completing a side quest
Sundown: clean-up
All players discard their cards into their respective discard pile. An Event is revealed, providing a special rule for the next turn.