在線上玩 下一站:巴黎 以及 992 款其他遊戲。
在線上玩 下一站:巴黎 以及 992 款其他遊戲。
目的: 創造絕妙的巴黎地下鐵並拿到最多分數。如果你遊玩過「下一站:倫敦」或者「下一站:東京」,遊戲的基礎其實是一樣的,除了有一些不同。
概覽 遊戲共有4輪,玩家每輪會在圖紙中繪畫一條路線。
如何遊玩 翻牌 Each turn, a card with one of four symbols will flip up. All players will draw a straight line from their starting point to a station with this symbol, following one of the dotted guides on the board. (Note players will see the same symbol, but each has a different starting point.) If a wild symbol flips, you can pick any symbol for that station, and players don't need to pick the same symbol. Also note that drawing a new subway route is always optional; you can skip any flip of a card if you want to.
Starting a new round Continue this way until all five of the cards with blue and green background have been flipped and resolved -- note this means each round will have 5 to 10 turns. When the new round begins, start the next subway line from the next starting point. Keep going until all 4 subway lines have been filled in.
Rules for drawing lines A subway line segment can only be drawn on the straight dashed grey lines, cannot bend, and connects exactly two stations (you can never pass through one to reach a further one). Each segment must connect to one of the two ends of the current line (unless the Railroad Switch card appears, which permits a segment to connect anywhere along the current line). If this is the first card of the round, the segment must connect to the Departure station for that line (these stations are denoted on the Map sheet with the line colors). Subway lines can't cross themselves or another line -- unless you are using the overhead crossing (see below). While a subway line can't revisit the same station (intersect itself); different train lines can visit the same station. (A station with multiple lines is called an interchange, and can score extra points!) A given segment on your sheet may not be drawn more than once. SPECIAL FEATURES Overhead Crossings Overhead crossings are where a bridge allows one line to cross over another potential railway line. Only at these points may two lines cross each other. Bonus points are awarded for lines that go through overhead crossings (see scoring).
Central Station In the centre of the map is the central station, with all four symbols on it. A line may be drawn to this station whatever symbol is showing on the card.
SPECIAL CARDS Free Entry or Guided Tour This wild card permits a section to be drawn to the player's choice of station. If the section goes to a monument, then an additional section may be drawn from the monument to a station of the player's choice.
Railroad Switch Typically your new line segment must always continue from the station on either end of your track. However if a Railroad Switch card is drawn, you may draw a new line segment from any station in that round's subway track, possibly producing an additional end to use in a future round. (Note that if the Railroad Switch is flipped first or second, it will have no effect.)
SCORING Line scoring Each line scores separately. To score a line, count the number of districts it passes through. (Districts are regions separated by yellow lines.) Then multiply this by the number of stations visited by this line in one specific district -- whichever district has the most stations for this line. Then add two points for each Parisian monument visited by the line. For example, if a line visits 5 districts, and 3 stations in one district, and visits two Parisian monuments, then that line scores (5 x 3) + 4 = 19 points. Then repeat this same process for each other lines, and add these line scores together.
轉車站及穿過高架橋計分 當一個車站有多於一條顏色線經過,即為轉車站。每一個有2、3或4條地鐵線通過的轉車站可分別獲得2、5或9分。
目標 如果「目標」模式開啓,每位玩家完成一個目標後可以得到10分。