Strawberry Sunset
在 Strawberry Sunset 中,打造一片生氣勃勃、繁茂的草莓田 —— 比你鄰居的草莓田更加豐碩。在這款快速策略遊戲中,你將在日落之前種植盡可能多的草莓植物,同時美化你的花園。為你的設計添加獨特的功能,例如錦鯉池、侏儒和禪宗花園。準備好動手了嗎?
玩家人數: 2 - 4
遊戲歷時: 38 mn
複雜度 1 / 5
在線上玩 Strawberry Sunset 以及 963 款其他遊戲。
在線上玩 Strawberry Sunset 以及 963 款其他遊戲。
Create the best strawberry patch within a beautiful garden.
Set Up
Cards are played from three decks, identifiable by the rear of the card: Sunrise, Noon, and Sunset.
Each deck is shuffled indipendently and 1 card from the Sunrise deck is dealt to each gardener (player).
Some cards may be discarded before playing, depending on the number of gardeners:
- 2 gardeners - discard 8 cards from each deck;
- 3 gardeners - discard 4 cards from each deck;
- 4 gardeners - no cards are discarded.
The decks are placed in a single pile forming the Main Deck: Sunrise on top, Noon underneath, and Sunset on the bottom.
Place the top card face up to comprise the Sunrise Compost Pile (separate compost piles for Sunrise, Noon and Sunset decks).
Each player starts with one card in play.
- Cards can be taken from the deck or the compost pile. If taken from the Main Deck, there is a choice between two cards. The rejected one is placed at the bottom of it's own deck.
- Each feature on the cards counts as a plot
- Cards must be placed vertically, never horizontally. Cards may be turned upside down. At least one currently placed plot must be covered by a new plot. Placed cards can be completely covered if wished.
- A strawberry plant has three sections, roots, flowers and fruit. These must be placed in order to score. A root can sustain multiple plants.
- Cover gravel plots where possible, to avoid losing points
Game End
The game finishes when the Main Deck is exhausted
Complete strawberry plants - 5 points
Water features - 3 points
Pathways - The longest continuous path scores 1 point per plot that it passes through. Only the longest path of each player scores.
Gravel plots lose 2 points each
Advanced Scoring
A statue adjacent to a gravel patch +1 for the gravel(not -2) and 1 point for each statue
Water features - 2 extra points for each connected water plot (3 points for one water plot, 5 points for connected water plots). Connected water plots must not have paths between them.
Birdbaths - 3 points for every two birdbaths
Beehives - 3 points for every two beehives