Super Mega Lucky Box smlb
在這個極其有趣的精彩遊戲中,逐一揭露數字,並在你的牌上划去一個相應的格子。完成一行或一列的三個數字可以解鎖獎勵,這可以幫助你劃掉更多的格子,觸發更多的獎勵。使用 「閃電」標記,使數字符合你的要求,也不要忘記「月亮」標記,以避免在遊戲結束時受到懲罰。在四輪遊戲中獲得最多的分數就能獲勝!
玩家人數: 1 - 12
遊戲歷時: 10 mn
複雜度 1 / 5
在線上玩 Super Mega Lucky Box 以及 982 款其他遊戲。
在線上玩 Super Mega Lucky Box 以及 982 款其他遊戲。
It's a game, you need luck and it's super mega.
The objective of the game is to cross off the numbers on your lucky box cards to earn points and bonus actions. Each round 9 number cards will be drawn from an 18-card deck. The cards are numbered 1 through 9, twice. For each card drawn, cross off a matching number on one of your lucky box cards. After 4 rounds, we'll see who was luckiest!
At the beginning of the game, choose 3 of the 5 lucky box cards available. Then the top card of the deck is revealed. Click that number on any of your Lucky Box cards to check it off.
If this finishes a row or column, gain the bonus action shown in the box at the end of it. The bonuses are:
- • Number: Immediately click on that number in another box to cross it out.
- • Question mark: Immediately click on any number in another box to cross it out.
- • Lightning bolt(s): Immediately take one or two Lightning tokens from the supply.
- • Star: Used for final scoring.
- • Moon: Used for final scoring.
You can use any number of lightning bolts to increase/decrease a number by 1 per lightning bolt (for example, using 2 lightning bolts to change a 4 to a 6). 1 and 9 can wrap around to each other. Lightning bolts may not be used to adjust a bonus number.
If you check off all numbers on a lucky box card, it scores a lot of points! Discard it once you've completed its row and columns.
At the end of rounds 1, 2, and 3, you'll gain another lucky box card.
Each COMPLETED Lucky Box card scores points based on which round it was finished in:
• Round 1 = 15 points each
• Round 2 = 12 points each
• Round 3 = 10 points each
• Round 4 = 8 points each
The more STARS you got in a round, the more points they're worth:
- • 1 star = 1 point
- • 2 stars = 4 points
- • 3 or more stars = 9 points
If you have the MOST MOONS at the end of the game, gain 6 points. If you have the FEWEST MOONS, lose 6 points (except in a two player game). In case of ties for moons, all tied players gain or lose the full 6 points.
Finally, gain 1 point for every 2 boxes checked off on your incomplete Lucky Box cards.
The player with the most points wins the game! In case of a tie, the tied player with the most moons wins the game!
Solo Rules
You can have a party all by yourself! Rules are the same except for the moon scoring at the end:
0 moons = -6 points
1 moon = -2 points
2 moons = 0 points
3 moons = 1 point
4 moons = 3 points
5 moons = 6 points
6+ moons = 10 points
Scores below 44 are super mega UN-lucky.
45-59 - ok, you got lucky, but not very
60-64 - you got the hang of it now!
65-69 - Super mega bragging rights!
70+ - Super Mega Lucky Legend!