This September, we are awesomely happy to present you with a new space conquest game! Eminent Domain from designer Seth Jaffee published by TMG (Tasty Minstrel Games) is now available on Board Game Arena.
So would you like to expand your Empire throughout the whole galaxy? Peacefully through colonization, or just by sending your fighter jets to take over?
In Eminent Domain, you'll get a starting deck with two of each cards in it (Survey, Research, Colonize, Produce/Trade, Warfare), then draw a hand of 5 cards. At the start of your turn, you'll choose a card to use as an Action, then you'll choose from the available Role cards stacks one card from the type you want (that will come to reinforce your deck), and apply its Role effect (that you'll be able to boost with other cards of the same type in your hand, and that other players will get a chance to follow in order to benefit from the effect).
This game has a really nice flavor to it, due to the fact that you can manage your deck really from the start with Research cards to trim it down in the direction of the strategy you want to build up, to the numerous Technology cards you can get with enough planets and Research to accelerate your expansion, to the beautifully rendered space universe and to the option to expand into "scenario mode" with thematically preset starting decks.
We are pretty sure that all Race for the galaxy players will really enjoy discovering and playing Eminent Domain!
For this game, we would like to thank the publisher TMG for their authorization to create this online version, and for their enthousiasm in playtesting to help us rule out bugs and make it as good as possible! And of course, once more we send our warmest thanks to the developer Elena Laskavaia (Victoria_La)! As a fan of Eminent Domain she suggested us to contact TMG in the first place, and then implemented an awesome adaptation to gift the BGA community once more with an excellent game!
And now, get those fighters off the ground and into action!
浩瀚疆域(Eminent Domain)
由設計師Seth Jaffee設計,並由TMG(Tasty Minstrel Games)發行的Eminent Domain(浩瀚疆域)已經可以在BGA上開始遊玩了!
在Eminent Domain(浩瀚疆域),您會拿到一副起始牌組,其中包含每種卡片(調查、研究、殖民、生產/貿易、戰爭)各兩張,並且抽取五張作為手牌。
我們肯定所有銀河競逐的玩家,會同樣享受探索以及遊玩Eminent Domain(浩瀚疆域)!
當然,我們再次向遊戲開發員 Elena Laskavaia (Victoria_La) 致上最由衷的謝意!
作為一個 Eminent Domain(浩瀚疆域)的粉絲,她首先建議我們聯繫TMG,然後著手這個了不起的遊戲編程,讓這個超棒的遊戲成為獻給 BGA 社群玩家們又一份的大禮!