"The Traveler brought much change to our small frontier town in the last five years. He showed us marvels beyond imagination and taught us how to use his strange machines. Now that the Traveler has vanished, a storm is coming. Who will control the destiny of the American Frontier?"
In 3000 Scoundrels, players assume the roles of rival leaders attempting to steal precious technology left behind by the Traveler. By overlaying clear cards, you create unique scoundrels and use them to outsmart your foes. In short, hire scoundrels to build powerful combos, steal technology, and outsmart your foes.
Each turn you play a poker card from your hand face down in front of your player board, then use all of the abilities matching your claimed number. You do not need to tell the truth when claiming a number, but if an opponent catches you bluffing, it will damage your reputation and decrease your odds of winning the game.
Each leader has a unique perspective and motivation in the conflict of Graystone Gulch. Are you driven by money, fame, or the deep-seated desire to improve the world? Advanced rules add unique strategies to each leader that reflect their unique strengths and cunning tricks.
Curious about it? Check the link below to play it from your browser:
We would love to thank Corey Konieczka a lot, as well as the whole team from Unexpected Games (what a fortunate name!), and of course the wonderful work done by KuWizard to develop and adapt the game to the platform.
That's it for today! Enjoy your Wednesday Release Title, and until next week...
Take care and play fair!
3000 惡棍:在平行歷史狂野西部中組建一支隊伍來竊取寶貴的技術
在3000 惡棍 中,玩家扮演敵對領導人的角色,試圖竊取旅行者留下的寶貴技術。透過疊加透明卡牌,你可以創造出獨特的惡棍,並用他們智勝你的敵人。簡而言之,僱用惡棍來打造強大的組合、竊取技術並智勝你的仇敌。
我們非常感謝 Corey Konieczka,以及 Unexpected Games 的整個團隊(多麼幸運的名字!),當然還有 KuWizard 為開發所做的出色工作並使遊戲適應平台。