MLEM: Space Agency 的案件
#117734: "The auto-scroll is intrusive and scrolls to the wrong position"
發生什麼事? 請從下方選擇
• 當你不能動作時,螢幕上顯示什麼?(螢幕全黑?部份遊戲介面?錯誤訊息?)
Every time a turn is played, the game slowly attempts to scroll to show the rocket's position, but does not actually arrive at the correct position, and causes important parts of the interface to scroll out of view and become unusable until the animation is finished. The game should not auto-scroll like this.• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v122
2024年 3月17日 8:36 •
2024年 3月26日 1:45 •
Gentaro79 • 開發者尚未重現這項錯誤:
2025年 1月10日 14:41 • from mobile it happens continuously and the auto scroll always goes to the bottom of the page. At some moments it was impossible to bring the scroll back to the top. really unplayable!
Pythagosaurus • 開發者尚未重現這項錯誤:
2025年 3月17日 20:10 • After every action on the mobile, it scrolls to the very bottom of the page.
- 其他同樣狀況的桌號/步數
- 按 F5 是否解決了這個問題?
- 問題是否發生了好幾次?每次都發生?時好時壞?
- 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。