The Shipwreck Arcana 的案件
#125417: "The Fall (Inevitable) must warn the group if it will fade or not"
fixed: 錯誤已修復
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• 遊戲規則的哪部分在 BGA 版本有所錯漏?
When The Fall (Inevitable) is on the table, after the active player has played, the card should indicate whether it is fade or not.
Proof : www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/cards
Q: When is the group allowed to know if The Fall will fade this turn?
A: Once the active player is done playing fates, they must inform the group about whether The Fall will fade this turn.
This information should be automatic, like when you play on Tell.• 這項違反規則之處可否在遊戲重播中看到?若可以是在哪步?(重播時左上角資訊)
Every table when Inevitable is on the table.• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Mozilla v5
2024年 5月28日 17:13 •
Oberstille • 開發者尚未重現這項錯誤:
2024年 5月28日 21:01 • Hm: I think that this is just a misunderstanding of the rules for this card; thank you for pointing it out! I'll include a fix in my next release.
Oberstille • 開發者尚未重現這項錯誤:
2024年 5月30日 6:22 • You should notice some new log messages! Thank you again for the suggestion.
somonflex • 開發者尚未重現這項錯誤:
2024年 5月31日 15:15 • The message has a little bug :
The Fall (Inevitable): The sum of my visible fates is {sum_of_fates}. Will I fade this turn? No.
{sum_of_fates} is not replaced with a value.
The Fall (Inevitable): The sum of my visible fates is {sum_of_fates}. Will I fade this turn? No.
{sum_of_fates} is not replaced with a value.
somonflex • 開發者尚未重現這項錯誤:
2024年 5月31日 15:22 • Other bug :
The message of Inevitable didn't show after a player played on The Chalice (Tell).
Only the message of Tell was displayed.
The message of Inevitable didn't show after a player played on The Chalice (Tell).
Only the message of Tell was displayed.
Oberstille • 開發者尚未重現這項錯誤:
2024年 5月31日 15:43 •
2024年 5月31日 15:43 • Oops and oops! Thank you for pointing those things out. They should be addressed by today's release.
- 其他同樣狀況的桌號/步數
- 按 F5 是否解決了這個問題?
- 問題是否發生了好幾次?每次都發生?時好時壞?
- 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。