Boreal 的案件
#127591: "Show how many points a card is worth when hovering"
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For cards that have a dynamic score based on adjacency and so on, it would be nice if the calculated score could be displayed in the tooltip.• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v125
2024年 6月16日 23:39 •
firgon • 開發者需要更詳細的建議內容:
2024年 6月18日 8:50 • It's already the case (except for game without live scoring), so i don't understand your suggestion
TheInquisitor • 開發者需要更詳細的建議內容:
2024年 6月28日 19:32 • Thanks for clarifying, firgon.
I was hoping this feature would be there even when live scoring is disabled but I guess that is not the intent. I only thought of "live scoring" as adding up all the numbers and showing it in the player info panels in the top right hand corner.
I was hoping this feature would be there even when live scoring is disabled but I guess that is not the intent. I only thought of "live scoring" as adding up all the numbers and showing it in the player info panels in the top right hand corner.
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