#35239: "Make "Skip Turn" / Expel a Timed-out player a Concensus Decision of All Remaining Players."
#35239: "Make "Skip Turn" / Expel a Timed-out player a Concensus Decision of All Remaining Players."
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# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
• 如果可以的話,請轉貼螢幕顯示的錯誤訊息。
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 請說明你當時想做什麼,你做了什麼,然後發生了什麼事
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Google Chrome v88
• 請轉貼未翻譯的英文字句。 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 這些文字存在於 翻譯系統 中嗎?若為真,其是否已被翻譯超過 24 小時?
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v88
• 請簡明精確地解釋你的建議,以便讓人一目了然。
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v88
• 當你不能動作時,螢幕上顯示什麼?(螢幕全黑?部份遊戲介面?錯誤訊息?)
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v88
• 遊戲規則的哪部分在 BGA 版本有所錯漏?
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 這項違反規則之處可否在遊戲重播中看到?若可以是在哪步?(重播時左上角資訊)
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v88
• 你當時想採取哪個遊戲行動?
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 你想觸發這個遊戲行動時做了什麼?
• 當你試著這麼做時發生了什麼(錯誤訊息、遊戲狀態條訊息...)?
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v88
• 問題發生在遊戲的哪一步?(目前遊戲指示是什麼)
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 當你試著進行遊戲動作時發生了什麼(錯誤訊息、遊戲狀態條訊息...)?
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v88
• 請描述顯示問題。 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v88
• 請轉貼未翻譯的英文字句。 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 這些文字存在於 翻譯系統 中嗎?若為真,其是否已被翻譯超過 24 小時?
• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v88
• 請簡明精確地解釋你的建議,以便讓人一目了然。
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v88
2021年 3月 1日 23:29 • Brocconel • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Imgur image link: imgur.com/a/BNnjsw1
Table 151809156
Move 109.
The Dice Forge game became blocked and could not advance because "The First Titan" card had a bug. Brocconel informed the other players through the game chat that the game had glitched, and had attempted refreshing with F5 several times. Finally, Brocconel clicked on the suggestion to abandon the game, due to the block.
A less-experienced player (Tomsawer) chose to skip and expel Brocconel, rather than agree to abandon the blocked game.
Brocconel's ELO at the start of the game was 501. Because Tomsawer singularly chose to skip Brocconel's turn, rather than abandon the game (which the two other players were agreeable to). Brocconel lost 42 points in ELO. This was very unfair, as Brocconel was actively attempting to play the turn, and constantly communicating with the group about the blocked situation.
Table 151809156
Move 109.
The Dice Forge game became blocked and could not advance because "The First Titan" card had a bug. Brocconel informed the other players through the game chat that the game had glitched, and had attempted refreshing with F5 several times. Finally, Brocconel clicked on the suggestion to abandon the game, due to the block.
A less-experienced player (Tomsawer) chose to skip and expel Brocconel, rather than agree to abandon the blocked game.
Brocconel's ELO at the start of the game was 501. Because Tomsawer singularly chose to skip Brocconel's turn, rather than abandon the game (which the two other players were agreeable to). Brocconel lost 42 points in ELO. This was very unfair, as Brocconel was actively attempting to play the turn, and constantly communicating with the group about the blocked situation.
2021年 9月 2日 15:19 • OutOfHabit • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
All other ways of ending or changing a game require full table consensus- this should as well!
2022年 9月11日 16:18 • jackg_tor • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I play mostly 4-turns-per-day games and this drives me nuts. Several times, I've been more than half way through a game and someone will force-skip and then quit a game because another player is half a day late. I really don't understand why anyone cares in turn-based unless the player is days late. For sure, the force-skip decision should be by consensus or at least majority, possibly with a time-out after some much longer time just to clean out old games that will clearly never be finished.
2022年 9月30日 1:44 • skoki • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
More detailed bug with more votes here boardgamearena.com/bug?id=35289
2022年10月15日 10:52 • xsedlacp • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I agree that skipping the player must be consensus of the table. It is very easy to reach time limit in some cases especially in turn based tournament with players from whole world. I see very often that the player with the worst position skip other player and there is still enough time to finish it.
2022年12月30日 5:05 • twistoffate1 • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Why is expel the only option displayed atop the page? Why not display "Go turn-based" and "Abandon" also, instead of only the harshest option? It causes unnecessary feuds among the players, many of whom do not even realize the other two are options.
2023年 7月14日 18:06 • booksfr • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
another way to implement this would be to include as an option when starting a game. any game but especially long-time investment games. a simple box to click whether expels must be group or individual chosen.
2023年 7月15日 9:22 • The MGT • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I vote AGAINST this proposal.
Especially in real-time games I don't like to be forced to wait forever.
If you want to avoid such situations then simply play with "slow" setting or "friendly mode". Why should anyone play normal or even fast speed when each player can play as slow as he likes? Imagine you have two buddies at your table, then it would effectively be a "friendly game" except you can't leave without penalty.
"Change to turn based" is a completely different matter. Everyone at a real-time table decided to play real-time. Therefore everyone must agree to change that.
Especially in real-time games I don't like to be forced to wait forever.
If you want to avoid such situations then simply play with "slow" setting or "friendly mode". Why should anyone play normal or even fast speed when each player can play as slow as he likes? Imagine you have two buddies at your table, then it would effectively be a "friendly game" except you can't leave without penalty.
"Change to turn based" is a completely different matter. Everyone at a real-time table decided to play real-time. Therefore everyone must agree to change that.
2023年 7月16日 4:04 • cigma • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Following the explanation of The MGT, I vote AGAINST this proposal.
2023年10月 9日 14:38 • luiscarlosqg • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I vote in favour it this proposal. This should be a priority. Sore losers expel players when they will not be able to win by their own merits. This is a gaming platform, it should be fun and welcoming for everyone.
2023年12月18日 6:58 • Mathew5000 • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
This proposal, that an out-of-time player can be expelled only by a majority of the other players in the game, seems to be intended primarily for non-tournament games. I made a different suggestion boardgamearena.com/bug?id=107708 which applies only to tournament games, and calls for any expulsion to be a unanimous decision of the non-out-of-time players in the game. I think it should be unanimous (not just a majority) because of the common situation where one player has a big lead, a second player is out of time, and all the remaining players wish to end the game prematurely. To me, that scenario seems unfair to the player with the big lead, particularly in a tournament game. I acknowledge the objection made above by The MGT (and endorsed by Cigma) but I think in multiplayer tournament games particularly, it is better to end the game prematurely only if all the players who are not out of time agree.
2023年12月18日 20:15 • mrdoctor • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
100% agree - have often seen situations where 2 players are in the red on time in a tournament, and one of the 2 players in the red has kicked out the other to make sure it's not them who've been kicked out.
Likewise, plenty of situations where people kick out a player out-of-time if it looks like they're about to lose, but they know that by kicking someone else out that can scam themselves a win.
Likewise, plenty of situations where people kick out a player out-of-time if it looks like they're about to lose, but they know that by kicking someone else out that can scam themselves a win.
2024年 4月 2日 17:30 • simtt • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Really frustrating when organizing events for 4p Ticket to Ride or 5p 7Wonders. Kicking is happening too often.
2024年 5月16日 3:05 • macpuddock • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Please do something about this. At table 508147099 the game was at 100% (just the last player, not me, to play) and I had taken my last turn, but was 1 h 43 m overdue and someone canceled the result. The game was essentially over no idea why anyone would cancel unless they were angry or losing. No way would there have been a consensus to cancel.
2024年 5月27日 7:18 • macpuddock • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
and another example, game 511775908 where a player was 2 hours overdue and 1 person expelled them and ended the game. When a game takes days to play and someone goes overdue by a short period there should be a consensus among the other players before ending the game early.
2024年 5月30日 2:41 • macpuddock • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Only solution now is to stop playing in tournaments. Everyone joining the tournament knows that it's going to be several or many days to complete a game. It's frustrating for everyone at the table to be in a game for 10 days and then when it is almost complete someone is booted for going minutes past time and the game result is meaningless.
2024年 6月11日 9:56 • idjy • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Tournament with players from Australia, USA and Europe.
I was expelled for a 16min delay.
In this case, it feels like downright cheating.
Tournament with players from Australia, USA and Europe.
I was expelled for a 16min delay.
In this case, it feels like downright cheating.
2024年 7月 2日 13:18 • duckmammal • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I personally disagree with this. The rules around pace of play are set up at the beginning of the game, and can be consensually negotiated by players before and during the game.
If one player breaks the contract for how long they are taking, they are breaking the contract for how long it takes to play and it should only take one player's opinion to say they are no longer interested in playing.
If one player breaks the contract for how long they are taking, they are breaking the contract for how long it takes to play and it should only take one player's opinion to say they are no longer interested in playing.
2024年 7月 2日 16:00 • Livini • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I mostly agree with this due to many of the problems other posts mentioned, but I think a unanimous decision could cause new problems (like having to wait for ages for one player to decide whether to kick, even when someone is clearly not coming back), so I think a majority decision would be a better idea.
2024年 7月10日 13:10 • Anadh • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I strongly disagree with this.
If you join a game, you play BY THE RULES of the given game, time limit per move being one of them.
If you go over your time limit, you are cheating (yes, even for one minute. Rules are rules: non-negotioable).
If you have a problem IRL, just use a time-joker.
If you know you're not gonna be able to play for a while, just don't join a game (a warning is displayed every time you join to estimate - generously - the time it's going to take).
So many players tag along games with a high number of moves per day and then go afk for 3 days.
So many players timeout SEVERAL times in just a couple of days.
So many players think they have the right to have more thinking time than others, while it's not fair.
Turn-based players plan their games in advance.
If I know I have time ahead of me, I won't skip someone.
But if I know that I cannot personnaly afford to wait one more day, then I need the ability to skip the douchebag who is not playing by the rules. Otherwise I'm going to ruin my schedule.
With this suggestion, if someone just plain refuse to expel another player, then what? The games drags on forever? You and your friend can now take hostage other players in a game, and then wait for you to be in vacations to skip them?
This suggestion makes absolutely no sense.
All I read here is people being mad for being late to play by the rules they had previously commited to play by.
If you join a game, you play BY THE RULES of the given game, time limit per move being one of them.
If you go over your time limit, you are cheating (yes, even for one minute. Rules are rules: non-negotioable).
If you have a problem IRL, just use a time-joker.
If you know you're not gonna be able to play for a while, just don't join a game (a warning is displayed every time you join to estimate - generously - the time it's going to take).
So many players tag along games with a high number of moves per day and then go afk for 3 days.
So many players timeout SEVERAL times in just a couple of days.
So many players think they have the right to have more thinking time than others, while it's not fair.
Turn-based players plan their games in advance.
If I know I have time ahead of me, I won't skip someone.
But if I know that I cannot personnaly afford to wait one more day, then I need the ability to skip the douchebag who is not playing by the rules. Otherwise I'm going to ruin my schedule.
With this suggestion, if someone just plain refuse to expel another player, then what? The games drags on forever? You and your friend can now take hostage other players in a game, and then wait for you to be in vacations to skip them?
This suggestion makes absolutely no sense.
All I read here is people being mad for being late to play by the rules they had previously commited to play by.
2024年 7月27日 20:57 • idjy • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Because we had players in Bolivia and Europe, and actual sleeping time... I play from 9am to 10pm and click any table that shows with "Your turn". Sometimes, usually with Catan trade turns, I don't get notified.
I don't know how exactly, I ended-up with -36hrs (but I work on my computer and the window is always open).
Then I went back to -16hrs.
I only got kicked out when I started to win (Catan #540257492): that is the issue.
I don't know how exactly, I ended-up with -36hrs (but I work on my computer and the window is always open).
Then I went back to -16hrs.
I only got kicked out when I started to win (Catan #540257492): that is the issue.
2024年 9月20日 11:57 • Plants2024 • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Completely agree, it so annoying when people who may not like a game expel a player them for being a few hours late, to get out of playing the game themselves. Life happens, people are late. It should be a consensus NOT a single player deciding for everyone. I stopped playing anything but once every two days as I got sick people expelling each other.
2024年10月16日 13:25 • DrDaveT • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
I only play fast past games. The social contract that you are agreeing to when playing is that you will take seconds per turn with a couple of minutes total contingency (need to answer the phone?). I'm choosing to play a quick game, I have other things to do when I'm done (maybe playing other games). I don't want to sit waiting, not knowing for how long, in my leisure time.
I only play fast past games. The social contract that you are agreeing to when playing is that you will take seconds per turn with a couple of minutes total contingency (need to answer the phone?). I'm choosing to play a quick game, I have other things to do when I'm done (maybe playing other games). I don't want to sit waiting, not knowing for how long, in my leisure time.
2025年 2月24日 20:51 • spaceman256 • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
Massive agree, though it should be a majority vote rather than unanimous.
I played a 12 moves/day game of Caverna #614558035 where one player was in a different timezone, their time was negative for a while but it was clear they were still trying to keep up as best they could.
Player Bruyns kicked this player during round 10 of 12. Bruyns had the opportunity to kick this player much earlier, but waited until near the end of the game because they were losing terribly (live scoring) and it was too late to have a chance to catch up. The other remaining player and I both agreed that it was an incredibly poor-sport move. Meanwhile, Bruyns was awarded 5 gift points for his first "win" at Caverna.
So, yes. The current system needs to be changed somewhat because this was not fair. Seems like most of the people opposing this are referring to their experience with real-time games, which I understand. In a real-time game you are agreeing to be present until the games ends, so it should be easy to kick people who fail to do so. But the purpose of turn-based over real-time is that you don't have to be present, you can log off, do other stuff, and take your turns when you log back on. Real life happens sometimes. For this reason, kicking someone from a turn-based game is a much heavier decision, and should require input from more than one person.
I played a 12 moves/day game of Caverna #614558035 where one player was in a different timezone, their time was negative for a while but it was clear they were still trying to keep up as best they could.
Player Bruyns kicked this player during round 10 of 12. Bruyns had the opportunity to kick this player much earlier, but waited until near the end of the game because they were losing terribly (live scoring) and it was too late to have a chance to catch up. The other remaining player and I both agreed that it was an incredibly poor-sport move. Meanwhile, Bruyns was awarded 5 gift points for his first "win" at Caverna.
So, yes. The current system needs to be changed somewhat because this was not fair. Seems like most of the people opposing this are referring to their experience with real-time games, which I understand. In a real-time game you are agreeing to be present until the games ends, so it should be easy to kick people who fail to do so. But the purpose of turn-based over real-time is that you don't have to be present, you can log off, do other stuff, and take your turns when you log back on. Real life happens sometimes. For this reason, kicking someone from a turn-based game is a much heavier decision, and should require input from more than one person.
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