地城寵物 的案件
#36187: "Trying to use Imp Armor for 3rd time silently takes you to the beginning of current pet's needs"
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• 請簡明精確地解釋你的建議,以便讓人一目了然。
Imp armor should be blocked from trying to use it for a 3rd time. Instead there could be a button to reset dealing with needs and go to the beginning of phase 4 (showing off).• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v89
Lofski • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
2021年 3月14日 11:03 • This issue is related to other phase 4 issues in that the order of evaluation in this implementation is one pet at a time, whereas it should be one need at a time according to the rulebook.
pabula • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
2021年 5月25日 10:02 • I also got in this trap.
I would like to go back to beginning of the phase and not to beginning of current pet assigning phase.
I would like to go back to beginning of the phase and not to beginning of current pet assigning phase.
- 其他同樣狀況的桌號/步數
- 按 F5 是否解決了這個問題?
- 問題是否發生了好幾次?每次都發生?時好時壞?
- 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。