The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade 的案件
#41688: "add "undo" botton"
發生什麼事? 請從下方選擇
• 請簡明精確地解釋你的建議,以便讓人一目了然。
if player were took a mistake, can be undo. for example, select target city.• 你的瀏覽器是什麼?
Google Chrome v88
nmmalay • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
2021年 5月23日 13:48 • i play by smartphone.
i will select "Port Ruhrort", but i selected "industry space in Mülheim city".
i want to undo, but it is can't.
i will select "Port Ruhrort", but i selected "industry space in Mülheim city".
i want to undo, but it is can't.
fiomtec • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
2022年12月11日 0:51 • As long as no new info is needed, you should always be able to redo your turn, especially as the interface is not very clear.
First turn and I'm already missing it.
First turn and I'm already missing it.
fiomtec • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
2022年12月11日 0:52 • But I see that this hasn't moved in a year and a half guess I'm just losing my time here.
- 其他同樣狀況的桌號/步數
- 按 F5 是否解決了這個問題?
- 問題是否發生了好幾次?每次都發生?時好時壞?
- 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。