地城寵物 的案件
#53455: "Scoring exhibition with 10+ score "
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• 遊戲規則的哪部分在 BGA 版本有所錯漏?
reaching 10+ area in Scoring exhibition will provide you a win or a share win (except the whip - it breaks ties)
Scoring exhibition Moody Medley for round #3 in our case gave 8 points to red player as he had 12 points. but it shouldn't.• 這項違反規則之處可否在遊戲重播中看到?若可以是在哪步?(重播時左上角資訊)
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Google Chrome v96
pabula • 開發者尚未重現這項錯誤:
2021年11月22日 23:49 • my opinion green should score 8 with the whip and yellow and red 5 points.
it's a max you can achieve - 10. it shouldn't matter if a player scored more.
it's a max you can achieve - 10. it shouldn't matter if a player scored more.
pabula • 開發者尚未重現這項錯誤:
2021年11月25日 18:41 • Rules says: "Once everyone’s score has been counted on the exhibition tent, players score reputation points based on their order of finish in the exhibition". it's all tent. you score points based on your order of finish. there is just one 10+ spot. but that's my opinion.
pabula • 開發者尚未重現這項錯誤:
2021年11月25日 18:47 • 為本案件添加內容
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- 按 F5 是否解決了這個問題?
- 問題是否發生了好幾次?每次都發生?時好時壞?
- 建議將此錯誤的螢幕截圖上傳到 Imgur.com 並轉貼連結。