Cephalopod 的案件
#65482: "HIGHLIGHT the opponent's last move"
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Google Chrome v102
2022年 6月 2日 11:27 •
tolcso • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
2022年 6月 2日 15:38 • Or at least add the row/column markers to the edges of the board. Otherwise, seeing C1, D4, etc. in the logs doesn't help much.
tolcso • 此建議尚未被開發者分析過:
2022年 6月 3日 10:25 • Sorry, now I see there is a setting to show coordinates. But highlighting the last move would still improve the experience.
MarkSteere • 開發者認同這是個好點子,並計劃實行:
2022年 6月 3日 10:41 • I will add a last move indicator. It will be On by default but you can turn it off in the menu.
MarkSteere • 此建議已獲實施:
2022年 6月 3日 10:46 • Just finished. Last move indicator should be good to go. Hopefully it won't break current games in progress. If it does, start a new game of Cephalopod, turn off Last move indicator in menu, and go back to your old game.
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