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簡介 BGA reviewers

This group is for expert players of the community to help with the review process for new game adaptations. Membership to this group and access to the games available for review are granted from the `Contribute to BGA` / `Become a BGA reviewer` page (https://boardgamearena.com/reviewer).

Everyone can post on the newsfeed, so that developers can announce their games when they become available for review.

Members can use chat messages to organize playtests between themselves.

Please remember to provide the developers with detailed and constructive feedback through the bug reports system to help them move their game forward (the link to the report system for each game under review is available on the reviewer page for games you have started reviewing).

~~ Alpha games general information: https://boardgamearena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=240&t=15392
~~ Alpha games guidelines for reviewers: https://boardgamearena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=240&t=17325

Please note that since early 2021:
- a minimum of 3 games played are needed to give your approval for a game;
- reviewers (and only reviewers) can now invite other players to their alpha table to facilitate playtesting (invited players are granted access immediately). Thus, reviewers can now have a more active/leading role in organizing playtesting. Please note that there is a limit to the number of invitations (5 per 24h);
- since the purpose of alpha is to gather feedback, the rating system prompts players for feedback at the end of each alpha game;
- since ratings are now merged with the common rating system, approval is now just giving your go for beta when you think the game is ready (no more rating at this step).

Important notice:
~~ When testing alpha games, there may be blocking bugs, so all games are started in 'Training mode' so that you don't get penalties. If you are blocked in a crashed game, you can go to the game table with the URL https://boardgamearena.com/table?table=NNNNN (where NNNNN is the number of your table) to access the table view and quit.

Have fun discovering new games!


12 210 位會員

Sourisdudesert (管理者)
Een (管理者)
lordalx (管理者)
xate (管理者)
LeifGo (管理者)
p1ngouiin (管理者)


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